Attn! Attn! all ye pups and Owners and anyone else curious about Puppy Play and the joys it can bring to ones life! Wruff! Mistress Liliane Hunt is going to be teaching a class coming up next week if you happen to be located in the San Francisco region which is not too be missed. So if your in the area i highly recommend going as i have no doubt you will leave wanting to get more then just your paws wet 😉
Pup Training 101: Getting your paws wet
“Presented by Liliane Hunt”
General info :
Tuesday, November 01, 2011 – 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM
at SF Citadel – 1277 Mission Street map
Pup Training 101: Getting your paws wet
Presented by Liliane Hunt
Tuesday November 1st
8pm till 10pm – $20.00

Presented by Liliane Hunt
Tuesday November 1st
8pm till 10pm – $20.00
With the command, “wait”, I left Rascal alone for 20 minutes with his favorite cookies on the table. He is my new leatherpup and teaching him the rules of my house takes time. I observe him through the window, left alone for the first time, seeing how responds to my command. I see the conflict inside him build as he wonders if he could eat one without my noticing. He resists the temptation and contents himself with staring at them and waiting for my return.
There are many ways to explore the human dog, from all fours to holding the leash. Liliane Hunt opens the door to the curious beginner wanting information on how to train their pup, the type of equipment to buy and where, how to identify the breed that sings to the pup soul, activities and games for owners and pups, and different levels of heads space for home and outings.
There are many ways to explore the human dog, from all fours to holding the leash. Liliane Hunt opens the door to the curious beginner wanting information on how to train their pup, the type of equipment to buy and where, how to identify the breed that sings to the pup soul, activities and games for owners and pups, and different levels of heads space for home and outings.
Liliane Hunt is a professional and lifestyle Mistress, with an emphasis in domestic discipline and animal role play. She is a well-known personality with her pony cart at
Folsom and Pride each year. She is also responsible each year for organizing the transportation of the Leather Marshalls by pony cart bringing together animal role play groups from all over the West Coast. She specializes in a distinctive form of performance art, performing with human animals. She blends together a fusion of unique fetish couture, an extensive theatre background, and unforgettable living art. She is also an experienced panelist and community representative for the Discovery Channel and National Public Radio (NPR). She has led workshops and spoken for JT’s Stockroom, San Francisco Sex Information, and the Erotic Leadership Weekend

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